Friday 18 February 2011

The First Mile

I'm following the Up&Running Zero to Hero training plan, which should take me from being a fat biffer (5foot 8ish and 90kilos or 14stone 2lbs, on the bathroom scales last week), to running 10k happily within 12 weeks. I've used this plan a couple of times in the last few years, and I like to run before I've eaten anything in the morning. I suppose I've developed a few habits and idiosyncrasies, but they work for me.

This morning I did the training session I should've done on Wednesday. I was totally ready to go out and do it then, but we were on holiday in Portugal, and there was an almighty storm booming right overhead, thunder and lightning chasing around on our hillside, making it impossible all morning. Eventually, I wanted breakfast and gave up waiting for the rain to stop. I'd been out on the previous 2 sessions, alternately running and walking as the plan stated I should do, into the village my parents live just outside. Even at 9.00 in the morning of a February day, it's hot when the sun's out, and the locals seemed to think I was very amusing, and quite possibly mad.

So I missed Wednesday's run, and we flew home yesterday, Thursday, so I've got a bit of catching up to do this weekend, starting from this morning's run, doing today's scheduled run tomorrow, and getting back on track on Sunday morning with a much longer session. It makes such a difference to motivation when you're running in the warm, bright and colourful surroundings of some sunny place. This grey cold and damp UK stuff is just not as easy to throw yourself out into. I did it, however, and worked up a good heart rate and sweat by the time I got home, feeling pleased that I'd managed the 10minutes of running and 10minutes of walking as the plan required. And when I was in the shower, it struck me that as I used to average a 9and a half minute mile, I'd probably run a mile for the first time in 6months (the last time I attempted training).

A whole mile, all at the same time.

Only another 5 of them in a row and I'll be about ready for my big run.

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