Friday, 27 May 2011

Disaster strikes!

With less than a month to go! Well, slight and temporary disaster, anyway....

I have sustained a drinking injury. I went out for a catch up with an old friend on Wednesday, and on the way home, weaving rather than walking, I went over on my ankle. Being in a rather relaxed frame of mind, I walked all the rest of the way home with the recognition that it hurt, but not really very bothered. I fell into bed around 1ish.

...And then woke up at 6am to go do some early overtime, wriggled out of bed and realised my foot wasn't working. It was all swollen and stiff and wouldn't move to either side. Putting weight on it was not a good idea. I've sprained it.

But it's not a very bad one. I strapped it up yesterday and fed it ibuprofen, didn't walk on it, spent all day at work with it nicely resting, and got a very healthy 9 hours sleep last night. This morning, the swelling's gone down and it's doing as it's told again, but I'm not going out for the run I was planning. I am about to walk to work though, it felt really wrong to be getting the bus yesterday, and I'm not missing another easy 8miles today.

Thanks so much to everyone who's given me an extra dose of motivation - I promise this won't slow me down for long!

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